Friday, April 24, 2009

Berbagai Versi Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 1 (Indonesia) :

Kepada Yth.
Pimpinan ...

Dengan Hormat,
Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : ..
No Karyawan : ..
Jabatan : ..

Dengan ini bermaksud mengajukan pengunduran diri dari PT ..., dikarenakan tidak bisa lagi memberikan kontribusi yang baik untuk perusahaan. Dengan kata lain tidak bisa lagi mengikuti aturan dan prosedur yang berlaku di perusahaan.

Demikian surat pengunduran diri ini, atas bantuan dan dukungan yang telah diberikan, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat Saya,

(tanda tangan)

(nama anda)

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 2 (Indonesia) :

Kepada Yth.
Manager Personalia
PT. ...

Dengan hormat,

Bersama surat ini saya mengajukan permohonan mengundurkan diri sebagai karyawan PT. ... terhitung tanggal : (tgl/bln/thn).

Saya menghaturkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan untuk belajar dan bekerja di PT. ... sebagai suatu perusahaan besar dibidang ... selama kurang lebih ... tahun ini.

Tak lupa saya mohon maaf kepada seluruh karyawan serta jajaran manajemen PT. ... apabila terdapat hal-hal yang tidak baik yang telah saya lakukan selama bekerja di PT. ....

Saya berharap dan berdo’a agar PT. ... menjadi perusahaan yang terus maju dan sukses.

Hormat saya,

(nama anda)

Berbagai Versi Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 1 :

Jakarta, (date)

Mr. ......
(company name)
(complete address)

Dear Sir.....,

I hereby convey my resignation as (your title) due to (your reason).

My resignation is not caused by any dissatisfaction with the company. On the contrary, I did enjoy my work here and had learned a lot from your company.

I wish to express my greatest gratitude for all the guidance and wonderful opportunity extended to me in gaining invaluable experience at the company.


(your name)

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 2 :

Jakarta, (date)

Mr. ......
(company name)
(complete address)

Dear Sir.....,

I regret to inform you that I would like to discontinue my service at (your title), due to personal reasons.

I would like to thank you for all your guidance and support extended to me during my service with PT. ...


(your name)

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 3 :

Jakarta, (date)

Mr. ......
(company name)
(complete address)

Dear Sir.....,

This is to formally notify you that I am resigning from PT ... as (your title).(date) will be my last day of employment.

I greatly appreciate the opportunity I have been given to learn and develop. Thank you for your time and consideration and wish you all the best in the future.


(your name)

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 4 :

Jakarta, (date)

Mr. ......
(company name)
(complete address)

Dear Sir.....,

This is to formally notify you that I am tendering my resignation from PT.. as (your title) and wish to advise you that (date) will be my last day of employment.

My experience with PT. ..has been very rewarding. I appreciate having had the opportunity to work for such a fine company. I wish you and the organization continued success.


(your name)

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 5 :

Mr. ......
(company name)
(complete address)

Dear Sir.....,

This is to inform you that I have been presented with an opportunity that will enable me to work in the area of my stated preference, marketing. Therefore, I am tendering my resignation from PT. .. and wish to advise you that (date), will be my last day of employment.

I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for PT. .., a truly outstanding organization.


(your name)

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 6 :

Jakarta, (date)
Mr. ........
(company name)
(complete address)

Dear Sir.....,

This will confirm my resignation as (your title) at PT. ...

I have accepted a position as (your new title) at a growing compay. I am looking forward to my new position and the challenges that await me.

My last day of work will be 9date), which should allow me plenty of time to finish ongoing projects and to turn over my position to my replacement. Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have any questions regarding my past work. I hope that the transition will go smoothly for everyone.

My experience with PT. .. has been very rewarding. I appreciate having had the opportunity to work for such a fine company. I wish you and the organization continued success.


(your name)

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Versi 7 :

Jakarta, (date)

Mr. ........
(company name)
(complete address)

Re : Resignation Letter

Dear Mr/Mrs....,

Effective two weeks from the date of this letter, I resign my position as [title].

I've enjoyed working here. Thank you very much for the opportunities you've provided.


(your name)